Thursday, June 28, 2012

Homeschool Study of Birds

For the past two weeks, we have been learning a lot about various types of birds in our area.  One of the things that we did was we bought bird seed and a suet cake for the feeders to see what type of birds we would attract.

As you can see, Tara and Billy had a lot of fun getting the feeders ready.  During the next week, we saw cardinals, downy woodpeckers, robins, nut hatch and blue jays.  We also attracted more squirrels and chipmunks!  During our study time, we went to the library and brought home a lot of different books.  One of the things we did that Tara and Billy really enjoyed was a guessing game.  They each picked a bird and had to write a description of them. When they were done, they exchanged papers and had to guess each others birds.  Billy had chosed a Crow and Tara chose a Yellow-bellied sapsucker.  Surprisingly, they both guessed each others birds.  I was really happy with their descriptions.  We have a few more mini studies we are going to do over the next month.  Our next one is on weather.

1 comment:

  1. They seem to enjoy doing some of their schoolwork together! =D
