Wednesday, August 21, 2013

Back Home

Well we are back home and settled in.  It was an eventful trip, took much longer than it has in the past but that was because of having the Uhaul.  You just have to go the speed limit with a 22 foot Uhaul.  It took us 29 hours, we stopped to sleep for three hours and stopped four times for gas.  We ate snacks and didn't stop for a meal.  We hit a lot of traffic in New Jersey and in Connecticut, lots of construction.  But we did arrive safe and sound, Praise the Lord!

The house is very cute, and I love the kitchen.  It has a very country look to it.  I also love the hardwood floors and the privacy that we have.  Not to mention the convenience to the various stores and most importantly we are close to our family.  You just can't put a price on that.

We haven't started our homeschooling yet, I am waiting until the 9th of September.  That's a bit late, but the joy of homeschooling is having your own schedule.  I am looking forward to starting back up again, but felt that Tara and Billy needed to have a summer, that didn't include packing and unpacking. 

As far as cross-stitching, I have done very little since we got here.  Having a hard time getting into it, even though I really want to.  I think once it cools off a bit that will help.  The last few days have been hot, in the 80s.  I know that is not that bad, but for anyone who knows me, knows I like it cool, very cool.  Love the 60s!  I'm sure fall is just around the corner but we have had hot Septembers before, so I'm not getting my hopes up just yet.

The girls have been very busy at their etsy shop and have 40 listings up with more to come.  The name of their shop is JustGirlsWithYarn, go on over and take a peak.  They have a variety of different things with lots more ideas.  They recently had a few orders from some local people and we were so thrilled.  We are praying the Lord will continue to bless their adventure. 

Wish I had some pics of the house and stitching to show you, but I just haven't taken the time.  I need to get motivated, LOL.

Blessings to all,

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