Saturday, July 28, 2012

An Old-Fashioned Quilting Party!

We were so very blessed last week to be able to have a "quilting".  We had read about quiltings and they really do go back a long ways.  Back during the depression era when a young lady turned "of age" (around 16 or so) all of the "women folk" made a square for the young lady.  Now the squares needed to be consistent in size, but any form of needlework was appreciated.  Some squares may have been embroidered, cross stitched, or hand pieced fabric.  It was all done by hand.  The women would set aside a Saturday and all get together at the young ladies house and assemble the quilt and hand tie it or quilt it, whatever the case may be.  I think its a wonderful gesture and a gift that must have been treasured for generations to come.

So last Friday, my mother-in-law, Sally, came over and spent the night.  The next morning she got her quilt out and all of our daughters and myself, hand tied her quilt.  It was such a blessing to all of us.  We had such fun talking and quilting.  It truly was a blessing for the Lord to be able to watch all of the girls work on "Grandmas quilt".  What a wonderful learning experience for all of us.  Thank you Sally for letting us be a part of that.  Here are a few pictures of our "quilting" and the beautiful finished product.